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Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

10 Underground Prison in Indonesia

10. Vastenburg Citadel dungeon, Solo.
Majestic fort in the middle of this Bengawan City, now living a worthless pile of buildings and overgrown with grass weeds are dense. In the context of urban morphology, the castle has an important role that is central relationship Solo-Semarang. The city of Solo in a period of XVIII-XIX, as a trade center and marked the development of the colonial city. Uniquely, this development created in the nuances of power traditionalist Kasunanan Surakarta kingdom.
There, the power of the Dutch troops are centered. That said, there is also a kind of underground bunker that is wide enough under the castle. The bunker was used to jail prisoners. That's what makes this place not be possible if the storied building.


9. Pendem Fortress Underground Prison, Cilacap.
Who would have thought in a small town in Central Java, Cilacap store like a fortress which is very unique. The fort was named Fort Pendem (Kusbatterij Op De lantong Te Tjilatjap) who was once in the year 1861 is a bastion of the Dutch East Indies army in the face of the Indonesian nation.
Castle on the coast of this Turtle Bay occupies an area of ​​6.5 hectares with a variety of tourist facilities, such as forts, tunnels, emplacement, dungeons, barracks, kitchen space, space weapons, the bridge pool, which contains a postal substation Dutch strategy map, fishing pond, rest areas, gazebo, swings and a number of sculptures of dinosaurs.


8. Castle dungeon Malborough, Bengkulu.
Marlborough Castle is one of the historical tourist attraction located in the city of Bengkulu. Marlborough Castle tourist attraction located in Kampung China Village, Kecamatan Teluk Segara city of Bengkulu. This fort became the center position of the British army in Bengkulu. Parallelogram-shaped fortress with a length of 240 meters and 170 meters wide. The fort was founded by the British East India Company in 1713 and completed in 1719.
In the southwestern part of the fort located on the left and right of the hall of the castle. On the left consist of 7 local or room. The walls of the room from the couple stone, rocks, bricks using the adhesive mixture of lime, sand and brick powder. Beside the room there is also room located under foot tortoise southwest, namely Rungan dungeon, which consists of three rooms that condition was very dark.

7. Dungeon Fort Rotterdam, Makassar.
Fort Rotterdam is the stronghold of Gowa royal relic which was built in 1545, is located on the beach, west of the city of Makassar. Buildings and gardens are still well maintained. Here there is a dungeon where Prince Diponegoro was imprisoned and near the entrance of this fortress there is the statue of one of the famous Sultan of Gowa king Hassanudin.

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