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Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

10 Genesis World's Largest Due Conspiracy

1. Drug Companies "Big Pharma"

Probably almost everyone (except the owner of shares) do not like the pharmaceutical companies because drug prices are too expensive. In addition there are indications that corporate profits effort done incorrectly, and it seems every few months have fallen victims of several drugs that were previously claimed to be very safe. It is a small incidence of drug industry (Big Pharma Drug Company), which monitored with suspicion by the public.

Some advocates of "alternative medicine" believe that pharmaceutical companies actually conspire to make people stay sick for profit business. For example, Kevin Trudeau (author of bestselling book entitled "Natural Cures They Do not Want You To Know About" Natural treatments or ways in which they do not want you to know) claims that vital health information has been hidden by a conspiracy between health policy makers by company big medicine. According to Trudeau, "There are certain groups, including the drug industry ... ... that does not want people to understand how health care in order not attacked by various kinds of diseases ..."

Actress and model Jenny McCarthy when appearing on "Larry King Live," accusing the doctors and the pharmaceutical industry conspiracy to eliminate the medical evidence of a link that explains a causal relationship between the injected vaccines and autism in infancy who later suffered these children.

2. Satanic cult sect

Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, the scandal of sexual abuse of children appalling American. Some victims claimed that they have been raped, tortured and abused by adults of a religious sect, and the media proclaim this sensational confessions. The victims even emphatically say, what do those people towards them is associated with satanism or devil worship activity. The culmination of this scandal is a prime time show titled Geraldo talk show hosted by Geraldo Rivera, the initiator of the event, which presents special theme entitled Epidemic of Satanic Ritual Abuse or Satanic Cult Ritual Abuse Epidemic. In this show in 1987, host of Jewish descent who also work as a reporter and the attorney stated, it is estimated there are over 1 million Satanists in America. The majority of them are members of an organization that is managed by highly organized and highly confidential.

"They came from small towns to big cities, and what they do has attracted the attention of police and FBI because of sexual abuse cases that they do to the children, ritual against terrible demons, child pornography, and murder. Maybe This also happens in your town, "he explained.

In 1992 the American police have received reports about the killing, cannibalism, and kidnapping of children associated with religious rituals, but after an investigation, FBI agent Kenneth Tanning concluded that the report was only a rumor that is not unfounded. Phillips Stevens, Jr.., Chairman of the Association of Professors of Anthropology of the State University of New York at Buffalo asserted, without proof of information that is widespread in the community about the existence of crimes committed by a satanic cult, nothing more than "
institutional hoax (false news ), the largest conducted on the American people of the twentieth century. "

3. Protocols of Learned Elders Zion Book

This book was also originally considered to be hoaxes, but later acknowledged that much of what is contained in this book is true.

Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion revealed the existence of a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world with a variety of ways, including by making use of Christians, financial problems and global health, and conducted by a small group of powerful Jews. The idea of the existence of a Jewish conspiracy is not something new, and has been told repeatedly by many people, including if the well-known figures such as Henry Ford and Mel Gibson.

In 1920, Henry Ford disburse funds to augment the book "Protocols of Elders of Zion", and until the 1930s that the book had sold up to half a million copies. This book could be used as an excuse for doing the Nazi genocide (ethnic extermination) against the Jews in World War I. Until now the book is still circulating throughout the world, although a bit difficult to find.

4. Roswell Incident

Around July 1947 something crashed in Roswell ranch, New Mexico, by causing an explosion which is very remarkable and tears it havoc around the center of the incident. On July 8, 1947, the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) issued a press release that it claimed that the incident was caused by the fall of an alien's flying saucer or what's called unindetified flying object (UFO). But not long ago the Air Force corrected the RAAF statement by saying that the events caused by the collapse of a weather balloon, not by flying saucers. This statement is even corroborated by photographs that were taken from the scene, where in the photographs there are splinters referring to the balloon shape.

Statement of the different governments that make the audience believe there is something to hide from the incident with specific purposes. In the mid-1990s the United States Air Force issued two reports related to the incident. Among other things, that the fall was the military's air balloon to a secret test project called Project Mogul. This project aims to detect the presence of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles of the Soviet Union. Until now what caused the incident was still considered a mystery because the activity is covered by high-level conspiracy in the interest of the state.

5. Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Events in 1963 occurred when a car 35th American President was accompanied by vehicles driving with his bodyguards in Dallas. Who killed Kennedy? Almost all the conspiracy theorists believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was shot from a bank office. Beyond this fact, supply the other conspiracy theories that gave birth to a lot of speculation that there is no end, both are reviewed in the form of hundreds of books, articles, and movies. Many of us wonder, is there anyone other than Oswald who kill Kennedy? If not, who gave the order? And this is not revealed until now, because of the accompanying conspire blocked.

In 1979 a report from the House Select Committee on Assassinations (Organizational Decision Making Committee on Murder) considers that there is really a conspiracy behind this case and did not rule out the shooter more than one person.

6. "Death" Paul McCartney

According to many stories and theories conspires that circulated in the late 1960s; Guitarist Beatles Paul McCartney died in 1966. The other Beatles members, including their manager, conspired to conceal the death of McCartney in such a way so that people do not know if he was dead. Conspiracy carried out by making the look and sound similar to Paul, so that at the Abbey Road album cover, for example, photo Paul is still with the other three Beatles personnel, who described being walked on a zebra cross. However, when examined with clear, there is discrepancy in the picture, because only a barefoot McCartney without shoes, and the pace is not the same as the third step the other Beatles personnel.

In this case, the people who conspired to have taken a brave act just for the sake of the existence of a band that is still legendary.

7. Moon-landing

In the 1978 movie Capricorn One, tells the story of an American astronaut and NASA faked a landing on Mars. Although just an ordinary film, it is an interesting idea, and will last for several decades.

In 2001 Fox Televition broadcasting program "Conspiracy Theory: Did We've Landed on the Moon?", which deals with many doubts about whether it was true in 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong has landed on the moon cs with Apollo 11 flight. Doubts sticking out on the basis of the photographs released by NASA on landing was deemed not in accordance with the conditions on the moon.

The parties who doubted the proposed theory and scientific evidence that reinforces their opinions. Among other things, they describe the theory that the astronauts most likely it will run out first baked as it passes through 'belt' Van Allen before it reaches the moon. Phil Plait, an astronomer, and even suggested, in no atmosphere, so that should the stars visible from the sky on the moon will shine more brightly. But in the photographs published by NASA, the stars do not appear in the sky.

In addition, because there is no air on the moon, then there is no anything that can fly there. However, in the NASA photographs and the video made​​, appears to fly the U.S. flag. Astronomers believe the experts, the photographs and videos were made ​​in a studio in Arizona that gives a chance in such a way as to resemble the conditions on the moon.

These facts make conspirator experts believe, the U.S. government and NASA deliberately making hoax about landing humans on the moon to create public fear and to save America's image when it began to fade due to defeat in the Vietnam war. This step is also at the same time deal a lethal blow to the Soviet Union who was then competing with the U.S. in the progress of space technology.

8. Ad flash

Have when you watch movies in theaters and all of a sudden given snacks or candy with a particular brand? Or when watching a TV show and suddenly got the call to buy a new car? If so, you may be victim of a conspiracy flash ads!

Wilson Bryan Key, author of Subliminal Seduction (The temptation in the Subconscious), and Vance Packard, author of "Hidden Persuaders, in his book that claims that these flashes messages aimed at influencing the unconscious man, that unknowingly buy the advertised product. These two books could cause public panic, but soon many who doubted it. Even some of the results of studies on the influence of advertising on the subconscious can not find the fact of the ad flashes with the actions taken without conscious human.

Around the 1980's, two heavy metal music group Styx and Judas Priest into the public spotlight due to slipping in messages to
idolize unconscious, thus causing suicides among teenagers. Juds Priest had cased legally, but the case was closed so just by the British government.

Mental process in the subconscious actually really exist, and can be tested, because this process only needs to push someone for memperepsikan something in seconds. Conspiracy behind the denial of the motives behind this flash message was parodied in a television show titled Max Headroom in the 1980's. In this show, the audience is drawn angry after viewing the messages in the subconscious so-called "blipverts".

9. Princess Diana's Death

For hours after the death of Princess Diana on August 31, 1997 in Paris road tunnel, conspiracy theories milling. As with the case of the death of John F. Kennedy, who loved the idea of public and high-class figures who died very suddenly shake. Especially for a Princess Diana. People often hear people who died because the kingdom is old, political intrigue, or eating too much delicious food, but no one is ever found to have been killed by a drunk driver.

Unlike most conspiracy theories, for these cases has involved a millionaire, namely Mohammad Al-Fayed, father of Dodi al-Fayed were killed along with Diana's participating. Al-Fayed claims that the accident was a massacre committed by the agents intilijen England, at the request of the royal family. The claim from al-Fayed were tested and then ignored as something that is not grounded by an examination in 2006. In 2007, the examination of the corpse of Princess Diana, the coroner declared that "conspiracy theory advanced by Mohamed Al Fayed researched and tested, and shown to not accompanied by substance." On April 7 that year, the god of the coroner's jury concluded that Diana and Al -Fayed were unlawfully killed due to negligence of the driver who was drunk and caused the paparazzi chase.

10. WTC attack (9 / 11)

Overwhelming evidence leads to the conclusion that the terrorist attacks that occurred on the WTC twin buildings (World Trade Center) in New York on September 11, 2001, is actually the result of a conspiracy. There is no doubt about it, either from close or cursory, if you pay attention to evidence that makes this event clearly is something that is carefully planned and matured. The question, of course, who the conspirators are?
Osama bin Laden and his friends are into pirate-hijackers were part of a conspiracy, but how is the position of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney in this case? Is Bush's chief advisers, including Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld has also worked with Osama bin Laden, or knowingly allow the attacks to happen? Or in other words, whether it's evil work?
Experts believe the conspiracy theory, and pointed to a catalog that contains allegations of inconsistency against the "official version" of government for the attacks. Many of the claims of conspiracy techniques exposed by Popular Mechanics magazine in March 2005, while other claims are refuted by simple logic. The magazine says: If the aircraft that crashed into the Pentagon was not destroyed, as stated several times, then where the aircraft with flight number 77 along with the crew and passengers are? Are they being shared with the Roswell aliens in Hangar 18?
In the many conspiracy theories, bureaucratic incompetence often make mistakes in the conspiracy. The government is very efficient, many knowledge, and capable, is an asset that allows an attack like that would happen. But in this incident, all were destroyed simply because of failure to detect or respond to signals and information obtained previously. Really a difficult thing that's hard to believe if there was no conspiracy behind the biggest events in the early 21st century.

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